Speaking of pennies, one way to keep track of holiday spending is through a website called GiftBox. It allows you to add your family members, holidays, gifts purchased, gift ideas, etc. You can quickly tell whether you've spent way more on your favorite child!

Another way to save money is by shopping online and through catalogs. You save time and gas and frustration by staying home. Did you know that you can now shop my Jockey website online? You don't even have to call or email me to get what you want! JP2P makes it easy to find the clothing that flatters your figure, and now it's even easier to purchase. We have some great holiday attire that will wow your friends. We also have deals that come from corporate on their facebook page. Be sure to "like" both my facebook page and my company's. You don't want to miss out on a great deal!! And don't forget to have a happy holiday!!