Saturday, December 19, 2009

Happy Holidays

Happy Holidays to all! Hopefully everyone has finished their shopping and can relax and enjoy spending time away from work and with family and friends. I actually braved the crowds early in the day on "Black Friday" and picked up a few really good bargains, but most of my shopping took place on-line. Many sites had free shipping options which really made life easier! Plus, my own company, Jockey Person to Person, has some fabulous scarves, belts and jewelry that make great gifts! And with the extra cash that I've earned this year from selling JP2P, I could afford to purchase nice gifts for my family and friends! It makes me feel so good to be contributing to the family finances, especially since the "job" is all fun and games and clothes! And next year should be even better: Jockey has created some attractive incentives for hostesses and consultants, from bonus hostess dollars in January to an earlier-than-ever launch for the Spring/Summer catalog. So 2010 is already starting off at a fast pace. We can't wait for the unveiling of the new catalog; we've heard rumors and reports concerning some of the new items. Stay tuned for glimpses of the new career wear and other stylish picks from our upcoming catalog. To view the current Fall/Winter catalog, click here. You can order from me anytime! Have a safe and happy New Year's!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Career Wear that Stays Comfy All Day

You asked for it, you got it! Jockey Person to Person has launched its latest product: Career Wear! More than a basic black suit and white or blue blouse, it is a sophisticated, versatile ensemble that looks great in the boardroom as well as around the neighborhood. Wear just the jacket with a pair of jeans for a casual / sophisticated look, or pair the skirt, blouse and a belt for a feminine look. Wow your colleagues by looking great and being great - productivity will soar when you are comfortable all day long!
For more information, view my website (and catalog), then call me or email to set up an appointment or a party. If you host a typical party you can own this suit plus blouse for only about $50!! Now that's smart shopping!

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Shopping for the Holidays Made Easy

Holiday Shopping! Those words can strike fear in any woman. Malls, parking spaces, receipts, crowds, sizes, too many things to worry about when a person should be having a good time celebrating the birth of Christ. Spending time with family is more important than ever. So how to balance the shopping/gift obligations with quality family time? Easy! Shop at home! Many wonderful businesses are waiting to bring their products to your door. One of these is Jockey Person to Person. We would love to show you our clothing line and accessories. All you need to do is open up your home for a few hours, invite all your girlfriends, and get ready for a FUN shopping experience! Your friends will thank you and be forever grateful. JP2P has some wonderful gift ideas, in addition to the comfortable, versatile clothes (casual, dressy and exercise wear). We have gorgeous tote bags, belts, fantastic scarves (all the rage now) and even jewelry! Check out our latest catalog and then sign up to host a party with me - hostesses earn FREE items!

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Warm Days, Cool Nights

What could be better than a warm, sunny day followed by a cool, star-lit evening? These are the days that I love! Running around the yard with the dog, open windows and fresh air in the house, and snuggling under the covers at night. But how to dress? Some days are still pretty warm, but it's too chilly in the late afternoons for a sleeveless top. Never fear, Jockey Person to Person has you covered! We have many options to choose from that will carry you through the day and through the season. Our newest and best piece is a quilted, reversible jacket which becomes a fabulous vest when you remove the sleeves! In Olive Green/Plum, Midnight Blue/Bali Blue, and Porcelain/Dark Cocoa there is a color combination for everyone. It is perfect for football Friday nights, days at the dog park, and picking apples or pumpkins at the farm. See the accessories that go with the quilted jacket, as well as our other jackets at my website. Call me or email me for a fitting, or to host a party!

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Get Ready for Fall

Time to tansition out of flip-flops, shorts, and bathing suits and into jackets, capri pants, skirts, and layers! Jockey Person to Person has come out with some wonderful new outfits to carry you comfortably through the season!

We have a wonderful new "tulip skirt" and a flowing "swing jacket" that look absolutely beautiful together. The new modal fabric is soft and silky, and is also found in several new tops.

Our designers understand that money is tight, and they have come up with a way to create TEN outfits using only FIVE pieces! These are called "the Perfect 5" and include the new jacket. These 5 pieces are shown above; for ideas on creating different outfits, please see pp.12-13 of our catalog.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Half-Price Sale!

Many items are retiring to make way for fabulous new merchandise! All retired items are 50% off through the end of July! Anything in Spring colors (pink, blue, green, violet) is also half-price. All camisoles, all shawls, all long-sleeve tees, all short-sleeve V-neck tees, 3/4 sleeve polos, comfort throws, travel buddy pillows, and much more!
Now is the time to add pieces to your wardrobe, before they are gone for good! See the entire catalog here.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Celebrity or Not?

This has not been a good week to be someone famous, and I, for one, am content to be myself, just Linda, normal suburb-living wife and mother, driving the kids around in my minivan.
Yes, I envy Farrah Fawcett's beauty and especially her smile, but she had to put up with a lot of criticism throughout her life, which ended earlier this week due to cancer.
No, I never wanted to trade places with Ed McMahon, although he was a very lucky guy to have spent so much time with Johnny Carson. Johnny was a class act, which we no longer see on tv.
And I definitely am glad I'm not Michael Jackson, or LaToya or Janet, or any of the Jacksons! They may all be famous, good-looking, and rich, but I would never want to live in the bubble of celebrity.
He may not be a household name, but Billy Mays sold household products through his infomercials, and he also passed away this week.

As I said, I'm happy and content leading a quiet and normal life. And in my quiet and normal life, I like to wear comfortable clothes. No glittery gloves, no fancy duds, and certainly no tight red bathing suit! I am blessed to feel good and look good in the many offerings of Jockey Person to Person TM. The clothes are both classy and classic; they won't go out of style in one season. The exercise clothes make you look great as you're working out, which then makes you look better in the casual clothes when you're lean and fit.

Look through our catalog and select your favorites. You won't become famous, but you will look better and feel better, so your own life will be transformed.

Friday, June 19, 2009

Clearing the Clutter

I admit to being the world's worst packrat. I keep everything, partly because I don't want to put more stuff in the landfill (if you've never toured a landfill, you should go see one someday -- it's an eye-opener) and partly because you never know when something just might come in handy! This weekend, however, our family is holding a garage sale. We have TONS of STUFF to purge from our house: Barbies, Spiderman toys, stuffed animals, books, dollhouse, puzzles, and clothes. Unfortunately, people don't buy grownup clothes at yard sales. Kids' clothes sell great, but what to do with my silk blouse from the 1980's that looked so sharp way back when? I plan to donate my clothes to our church, which in turn gives it out to the neighborhood friends who come by on Saturdays for meals.
How do I keep from accumulating so much in the future? One way is to make smarter purchases. The Jockey Person to Person clothing line can help. We have clothes that can be mixed and matched into several different outfits. Take a pair of capri pants, put it with a matching camisole, and maybe a hoodie jacket, and you have a great all-around "on the go" look. Change the capris to a skirt, dump the hoodie for a shawl, and you're ready for a night on the town. Save the capris for working out at the gym the next day, or a hike through the park.
By using only 5 pieces (2 bottoms, 2 tops ,1 jacket) you can maximize your wardrobe dollars by making at least 8 looks. Add your own accessories to dress up or dress down the outfits, or use one of our shawls that come in 7 fabulous colors.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

From Taxes to Tee Shirts

Ah, finally the Tax Season is over! Now that I am finished preparing taxes for people, I can concentrate on my other job as a Comfort Specialist. I am interested in finding other women like me who want to own their own business. How do I do this? I am going to join some networking groups. Also I try to mention my business during my facebook ramblings. And I suppose I need to get on the phone and call everyone I know! Not exactly my cup of tea, but it needs to be done. Meanwhile I am looking for my next party Hostess (this could be you) so I can meet my current goal of monthly parties. These parties are fun, easy to prepare for, and earn the Hostess free clothes. What could be better? Check out our line of comfortable clothing for women at and start making your wishlist!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

From Barefoot to Boots

It sure was nice and warm the other day -- I was wearing flip-flops with my Capri Pants, and there was No Jacket Required! It was a typical Spring day in April. The next morning, there were little white flakes floating down to the ground, and it was windy and cold! Good thing I hadn't put away the winter boots yet! So I got my Cozy Comfort Bed Jacket and Bed Pants from my closet and curled up on the couch for the rest of the day! My daffodils are looking a little sad right now but I am hoping that they perk up as soon as the weather warms up. Unfortunately, these items are no longer available. To see what we do have, view our catalog.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

April -- Showers, Flowers and Taxes

Welcome to April - a cruel month to be sure, with Tax Day coming up so quickly! Even though I work part time as a tax professional, my own taxes have not been filed! I am struggling with getting all of my expenses listed from my 2 businesses. Looking at my expenses forces me to face the facts - I am not making as much money as I had hoped! I need to buckle down, get on the phone and contact all the women I know to let them know about the wonderful clothing line from Jockey. With the dismal economy on everyone's mind, it is sometimes difficult to convince people to book a party or to buy some clothes. But... by combining a few key pieces, a woman can mix and match and have several different outfits without spending a lot of money!

Monday, March 30, 2009

Spring Cleaning

Spring Cleaning Time! Yes, I started my Spring cleaning today. Spent all day cleaning the laundry room. Yuck!! I even cleaned the floor under the washer and dryer - now that wasn't easy! But now I have one clean room in my house already, so now I can relax, think about Spring, and plan my new wardrobe!

Jockey has some bright new Spring colors - such as Vivacious Violet and Berry Bloom Pink - for our old favorite items such as the Hoodie Zip Jacket. And another old favorite, the Long-Sleeve Tee, goes great with everything now that it's in Lightly Lavender.

But the best part of Spring is wearing capri pants and skorts, and Jockey P2P has those in several styles, in great colors like Berry Bloom Pink, Believe Blue and even a soft Water's Edge Green.

To see these fantastic Spring colors and items, just click here or type into your browser and get ready for some fun and easy Spring shopping!

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Afraid of Fashion?

Are you afraid of fashion? Do you worry about matching your colors and styles?

Jockey Person to PersonTM is the answer for you! We have a line of casual, comfortable "Infinite Options" that includes skirts, capri pants, long pants, skorts, hoodie jackets, camisoles, t-shirts. The colors and patterns are meant to go together so you can't go wrong! In addition, we have accessories, such as our classic shawl, in many colors to balance out your look.

Search our Infinite Options for your special style and color combination in our online catalog!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Premiere Blog Post for Fashion Meets Comfort

I have never been much of a "fashionista" but I must admit, I do like to look good when I go out. I am also thrifty (read "cheap") when purchasing clothes, and have passed down the love of a clearance rack to my children. (Thanks to my own Mother.) But recently I have learned about a way to be both fashionable and thrifty: Jockey Person to Person TM clothing. These pieces are reasonably priced, washable, comfortable, and they mix and match so that you get many outfits from just a few pieces! The line is casual but can be worn to work, at play, at night. Pretty much anywhere. There is a line of workout clothing that looks so good I wear it even when I'm not working out (oops, here it is Tuesday morning and I forgot to go to yoga class again!) In fact, with a few simple switches you can go from day into night so easily!

The first time I tried on these clothes, I found that I liked them so much I wanted to buy more. Being the cheap-o that I am, I decided to host a party so that I could get FREE items based on my party's sales totals. After receiving those free items (and a fun night with the girls), I decided I wanted even more, so I became a "Comfort Specialist" with Jockey Person to PersonTM.
So now I have fun showing the clothes to other women so that they can purchase them, earn free pieces, and even join me in the fashion business! Visit my web site here for more information.