I have never been much of a "fashionista" but I must admit, I do like to look good when I go out. I am also thrifty (read "cheap") when purchasing clothes, and have passed down the love of a clearance rack to my children. (Thanks to my own Mother.) But recently I have learned about a way to be both fashionable and thrifty: Jockey Person to Person TM clothing. These pieces are reasonably priced, washable, comfortable, and they mix and match so that you get many outfits from just a few pieces! The line is casual but can be worn to work, at play, at night. Pretty much anywhere. There is a line of workout clothing that looks so good I wear it even when I'm not working out (oops, here it is Tuesday morning and I forgot to go to yoga class again!) In fact, with a few simple switches you can go from day into night so easily!
The first time I tried on these clothes, I found that I liked them so much I wanted to buy more. Being the cheap-o that I am, I decided to host a party so that I could get FREE items based on my party's sales totals. After receiving those free items (and a fun night with the girls), I decided I wanted even more, so I became a "Comfort Specialist" with Jockey Person to PersonTM. So now I have fun showing the clothes to other women so that they can purchase them, earn free pieces, and even join me in the fashion business! Visit my web site here for more information.

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