You see them everywhere, the scarves around women's necks. Twisted, tied, front-hanging, side-hanging, how do they do it?
The easiest and quickest way is to fold it in half (double it so it's folded at the midpoint), make a loop, put it (doubled) around your neck and pull the two ends through the loop. Adjust as needed.
Another look is the cowl. Put the scarf around your neck with the ends hanging down in front evenly. Knot it loosely, about halfway down, then slide the scarf around so that the knot is at the nape of your neck and the center of the scarf is hanging in front. Fluff it up so it looks nice!
If you want a fancier look, add a brooch at the knot when your scarf is tied in the front. Or, slide it halfway around and pin it to one shoulder. Also, depending on the thickness of the scarf, you can use an adjustable ring or adjustable cuff bracelet to hold it together.
Of course, if the scarf is a long one, it doesn't have to go around your neck - use it as a belt! You can wrap it around once, twice, whatever works, over a skirt, a jacket, anything. Another great look, especially for summer, is to wrap the scarf around your upper body. Start by wrapping it around your neck and then twist the two sides together instead of knot. Loosely drape it over your chest, then tie it at your lower back. Depending on the material, this could turn out elegant or casual. It's all up to you!
There is no wrong way to wear a scarf! Just be sure to wear one! Call me for more tips and a free demonstration.
Thanks for the tips! I didn't know there were so many ways to wear a scarf!