Sorry, it's been months since I've updated this blog. Been so busy with life, kids, pets, etc. And now the cars are taking all my cash. Timing belt ($$$), dead battery, tow truck, flat tire, tow truck, four new tires. Not much left for Christmas shopping! And the girls want North Face jackets ($$$). Help me, Santa!
We got our Christmas tree yesterday. My older daughter and I went driving around, looking for Christmas Tree Farm signs. We followed signs to a wonderful place, found a tree and sawed it down. It's the perfect height, but it's not very full. It's got nice short needles and strong branches, but as I strung the lights last night it seemed to be quite sappy. Do they make a perfect tree? Needles that don't fall, needles that don't cut your fingers as you hang decorations, full, rounded, bushy shape. And no sap! I suppose that you have to decide what part of the tree is the most important to you.
At least you don't have to compromise on your wardrobe. You can look fantastic for the holidays, stay comfortable at all your parties, and not worry about someone spilling a drink on you! How can you do all this? With Jockey Person to Person clothes, of course! This exclusive line of comfortable, stylish, washable women's wear can take you through the holiday season with ease. Our fantastic Little Black Dress can be worn at least eight different ways. Our Modal Blend collection can turn anyone into a fashionista. JP2P clothes can be dressed up or dressed down. You can go from the office to the office party to a holiday extravaganza and fit in perfectly at each one! Check out our catalogs online, and give me a call to set up your party, where you will be the hostess who gets a free wardrobe!